Adult Forum

In between services we hold an adult forum bible study. This forum rotates through various formats as we study together. These formats consists of various bible studies, video based studies, and book studies.


Lutheran Catechesis Series published by the Concordia Catechetical Academy -  Old Testament Creation to the Giving of the Law on Mount Sinai

Past Studies:

Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World By Bob Goff - Author Bob Goff is a New York Times best selling author and was a recognized lawyer for over 25 years. In 2001 he saw a need in India and founded what is now known as Love Does. If you would like to purchase a copy for yourself by clicking here.

The Truth Project (DVD/Online) The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group curriculum comprised of 13 one-hour lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett.

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (Book Study) Letters from a Senior demon to a lesser demon teaching him how to tempt man. We looked at these letters in light of the 10 commandments and the devil's words to Adam and Eve, "Did God really say?" and Jesus' words, "It stands written!"

God at Work Your Vocation in all of life by Gene Edward Veith (Book Study)

Noah - The Man, The Ark, The Flood by Rev. Kurt Klaus (DVD/Online - Free to download) A five centuries-old man building a huge boat on the startling news of coming floodwaters - sounds like the makings of one remarkable story. It is. Jump in and get your feet wet with Noah: The Man, The Ark, The Flood, the latest Bible study from the Men's NetWork.

Eating God's Sacrifice (DVD and Book Study) An 8 session DVD series which portrays the Lord's Supper through Old Testament sacrifices, featuring Dr. Daniel Brege.  Not only will this series enhance one's understanding of the Lord's Supper, but also will show how all of the Old Testament sacrifices pointed to Christ.  Sessions include: Beginning to Sense the Lord's Supper from the Old Testament, The Passover, The Tabernacle, The Burnt Offering, The Sin and Guilt Offerings, The Peace Offering, The Grain Offering, Hebrews: Epistle of Sacrifice

The Necessary Distinction - Examining The Lutheran Doctrine of Law and Gospel


Lutheran Catechesis - Bible Study Through the Old Testament

Come In We Are Closed By Tyrel Bramwell - Many evangelicals are unfamiliar with it, don’t understand it, and are often offended when they encounter it, but when it comes to the Lord’s Supper the Scriptures clearly teach that Holy Communion is not for anybody and everybody. In this short work of fiction Rev. Tyrel Bramwell recalls the questions he had when he first encountered closed Communion as a young evangelical and the conversations he has had as a pastor, in order to dispel false assumptions and provide the Biblical answers to real misunderstandings. Download the Study Guide by clicking here.

Everybody Always: Becoming Love in a World Full of Setbacks and Difficult People by Bob Goff - In this five-session video Bible study, bestselling author Bob Goff shares some of the stories from his life that have helped him understand what it truly means to love everybody the way Jesus loved them–without fear, insecurity, or restriction. Following Christ means more than just putting a toe in the water when it comes to loving others. It means grabbing your knees and doing a cannonball! And, as Jesus revealed, it means loving the difficult ones. Everybody, Always will provide practical steps to help you take that journey.

Christianity in the Age of Terrorism by Dr. Gene Vieth Book Study

Luther on Galatians - Video series with Dr. Rod Rosenbladt first done at Faith Lutheran Church Capistrano Beach CA.

Pericope Study

Pericope class is an open forum bible study. We meet every week at 9:30AM to look at the upcoming Sunday's readings in the church lectionary that are two Sunday's out. We discuss the text in detail, how it fits into the time of the church year, how it relates to us, and how might it be preached on Sunday. It is a time to really dig deep and ask the big questions before the Sunday service. The upcoming readings can be found in the lectionary calendar here.

Called to Believe Teach and Confess

Doctrine Course

"Called to Believe Teach and Confess offers an overview of the major doctrines of Christianity in a comprehensive but accessible way Written from a Lutheran perspective this book is a helpful resource to those within that tradition and to others who seek a deeper theological understanding Firmly rooted in Scripture this book emphasizes the interrelatedness of all Christian teaching with its central teaching being the doctrine of justification by grace through faith in Jesus Christ This book is ideal as a text for university students and other educated Christian adults who seek to expand their knowledge of God s revelation and its application in human lives It introduces and uses classical theological vocabulary and terminology while offering clear definitions and application Key terms study questions glossary and sidebars help make this a valuable resource Suggested readings from Scripture the Lutheran Confessions and other secondary sources guide the reader into deeper study"

This Doctrine Class met in 2017 at Prince of Peace on Wednesday nights to discuss the doctrine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its confessions.

Other Classes Offered

At Prince of Peace


God Connects



Financial Peace University (Stewardship)

God Connects is a video-based adult Christian education (confirmation) course developed by Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM). It has been doctrinally reviewed by the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS) and covers Christian doctrine in 12 topics. Each topic begins with a short video and is supported with a downloadable discussion guide and PowerPoint presentation.

Please speak with Pastor Paul or email him at if you are interested in church membership and would like Adult instruction.

To view and go through the God Connects course click here

Financial Peace University is a nine-lesson money class that teaches step-by-step how to create a budget, pay off debt, spend wisely, and save for the future

Caring Evangelism: How to Live and Share Christ's Love (Stephen Ministry Course)

Caring Evangelism: How to Live and Share Christ's Love

What Is Caring Evangelism?

Caring Evangelism is a natural, comfortable way to share God’s Good News. Caring Evangelism conveys respect and understanding for people, focuses on their needs, and gently communicates God’s love.

What Is the Purpose of This Course?

The purpose of the Caring Evangelism course is to equip Christians to share Christ’s love in their daily lives through words and actions that people welcome. During the course, participants:

examine and address the fears and misunderstandings that swirl around the subject of evangelism explore the principles of Caring Evangelism and learn how to put those principles into action study biblical stories and promises that speak to people’s deepest longings practice and develop essential skills for sharing Christ’s love in a thoughtful, compassionate way

Discovering God's Vision for Your Life: You and Your Spiritual Gifts (Stephen Ministry Course)


Christian Caregiving - A Way of Life


Discovering God's Vision for Your Life: You and Your Spiritual Gifts

"Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life is a complete set of integrated resources that congregations can use to establish a spiritual gifts ministry. It provides an effective, biblical solution to the age-old problem of finding volunteers.

The centerpiece of Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life is an eight-hour course that helps people understand spiritual gifts, find out what their own gifts are, and get excited about using those gifts in ministry.

Through Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life, men and women are mobilized as ministers—called by God to use their unique spiritual gifts."


Christian Caregiving - a Way of life

"Christian Caregiving—a Way of Life teaches people how to care for someone in a distinctively Christian way. It’s a valuable resource for those who want to grow in their ability to reach out to others with Christ-like compassion."

Caring for Inactive Members: How to Make God's House a Home

"Throughout our lives, we may encounter friends, relatives, neighbors, and work associates who have drifted away from their faith community, people who no longer attend worship or participate in church activities. We want to reach out to them and bring them back—but we’re not always sure how.

Caring for Inactive Members: How to Make God’s House a Home equips participants to relate to inactive members in respectful, kind, and gentle ways that convey the love of Christ.

In this course, participants build understanding as they learn:

  • what most often causes people to withdraw from the church

  • what not to say and do—what can drive people even farther away from the church

  • how our attitudes affect the way we relate to inactive members

  • how to balance their role and God’s role as they reach out to inactive members

  • how to prevent inactivity in the first place

  • how to welcome inactive members back home

They also build skill and confidence as they learn and practice:

  • how to listen effectively to inactive members

  • how to handle other people’s anger

  • what to say and do during intentional visits and chance encounters with inactive members"

Antagonists in the Church: How to Identify and Deal with Destructive Conflict

"Who Are Antagonists?
Antagonists are individuals who, on the basis of nonsubstantive evidence, go out of their way to make insatiable demands, usually attacking the person or performance of others. These attacks are selfish in nature, tearing down rather than building up, and are often directed against those in a leadership capacity. (from chapter 2, “What Is Church Antagonism?”)

Using the groundbreaking book Antagonists in the Church: How to Identify and Deal with Destructive Conflict, participants in this course learn:

  • ways to recognize the signs of an antagonist—someone whose behavior devastates individuals, disrupts ministry, and tears congregations apart

  • essential measures to prevent antagonism in the congregation

  • practical methods to deal with antagonists

The goal is to give church staff, lay leaders, and others the knowledge and skills to confront antagonistic behaviors that would harm God’s people and mission—and to prevent these behaviors in the first place."