Adult Forum Study
Started Sundays in October 2019
Author Bob Goff is a New York Times best selling author and was a recognized lawyer for over 25 years. In 2001 he saw a need in India and founded what is now known as Love Does. If you would like to purchase a copy for yourself by clicking here.
This October we are joining together in a book study and 5 week video series called, “Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World” by Bob Goff. Love Does is a light hearted read with many great stories and life lessons pulled from Bob’s life. You will laugh and love some of the insights Bob comes up with, as he reflects on what a life of love in action looks like. Life lessons that we can learn from as well as we seek to live a life of love under the cross of Christ and love our neighbor’s as ourselves. Love does shows us that loving your neighbor doesn’t really have to be all that hard. After all Love simply “does!”
My hope is to have some great times of sharing and reading together as we look at what love in action is like as we aim to be a church that reflects the love of Christ to others.
Each Week you will have an opportunity to further explore the challenge of “love does” by engaging in activities between sessions. Download the pages here each week and give it a try.
The Discussion Guide for love does by clicking here
What Love Does This Week Session 1 - here
What Love Does This Week Session 2 - here
What Love Does This Week Session 3 - here
What Love Does This Week Session 4 - here
What Love Does This Week Session 5 - here
If you missed a Session,
catch up on them here:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5